Knit & natter

More from @farmersonfilm

Crushed in the Stampede

It looks like not all the figures on London Bridge last week made it home:

One for the travelling salesmen

Another night, another room….

Out to lunch

First Video

There’s a great video posted by farmersonfilm of discovering some little clay men outside Stoke station here:

We’re looking forward to seeing how they get on in Glasgow!

Bin it.

Thanks to Anthony for these photos:

More Photos to Follow

We’re currently sorting through lots more photos and we’ll post them as soon as we can. Please keep sending in any more you’d like to share – whether of the pieces in the streets or in their new homes.

In the meantime here’s a few more from Tuesday night in London:

Up high

Stoke Council Consider Changing Their Official Crest!

The Ceramics Biennial is Now Open

After an incredible amount of work and preparation the 2011 Ceramics Biennial is now open to visitors and looking amazing!

There’s full info on this year’s event over at